Monday, February 17, 2014

Angeblicher Western Union transfer Spam Email

Unglaublich für wie blöde einige Leute sein müssen, um auf so einen Quatsch hereinzufallen? Wieso sollte einem die United Nations so einen Sack Geld schicken wollen? Wo jeder weiß, dass solche Organisationen sowieso an akutem Geldmangel leiden. Also Finger weg von solchen Abzockerbanden! Lest weiter unten mehr über die Gauner...

Dear Western Union Beneficiary,


We wish to inform you that the United Nations (UN) has authorized us to remit to 
you a total amount of $500,000.00, (Five Hundred Thousand United
States Dollars).

Your Cash prize was paid out to us by the United Nations, and they have 
successfully succeeded in depositing your whole funds with us Here at Western 
Union The Netherlands.

They have now ordered us to take full responsibility in the transfer process of 
your funds and thus commence the immediate remittance of your funds to you.

Be duly informed that because of our Western Union transfer policy, your funds 
will be paid to you via our Western Union Daily Transfer limit of $5,600.00 USD. 

This means that you will Continuously receive a daily amount of $5,600.00 USD, 
and this amount Can be collected from any of our numerous Western Union outlets 
in your current location.

To begin the claims process of your daily payment as stated above, you are 
require to provide us with the following;

Your Full Name:
Phone Number:

Upon the receipt of the above mentioned details, your first transaction will be 
activated and we shall then Proceed to provide you with the Money Transfer 
Control Number (MTCN) for the First instalment and we will continue to email you 
others after 12 hours of Receiving each payment.

For more information on your payment status;

Contact our claims officer with the information below.

Mr.David Mann.
claimsrequest4wumt @ aim . com
OR call our 24 hours Helpline +31 619 128 092 for any inquiries on the above 

Yours truly,
Angela Fabio.

For: Western Union.
WESTERN UNION. Over 380,000 Outlets Worldwide

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