Thursday, November 7, 2013

What is Launching jacking and what is the best way to do Launching Jacking

Launching jacking in the IM niche is still alive and everbody can do it.

Excamples of Launching Jacking you can see on this review web page.

Here's the best way to do it and how I used to do it:

  1. Head over to
  2. Pick a new launch you want to promote on your page
  3. Ask the ventor for a review copy
  4. Create an "inside look" review video or a review text
  5. Offer a bonus for ordering through your affiliate link.
    You shout offer something RELEVANT to what you're promoting, not some lame PLR product
  6. Post your video to YouTube, SEO it for the product name and push some links to the video site.
  7. Rinse and repeat the System
I wish you good luck!!!

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